Why do I see perspective in the Flux protocol?


Currently, there is a clear trend in the oracles in the cryptocurrency market. Suffice it to recall the tremendous success of Сhainlink, which was drawn to the attention of such a giant as Google! The market for oracles is only gaining momentum and more and more players are appearing. Among them is the Flux protocol.

Flux is a cross-chain oracle aggregator that gives smart contracts access to economically secure streams of data about anything. How is flux different from other oracles? For example from Chainlink or Band? Flux is the first oracle aggregator. This is its main feature along with other advantages of oracles. Moreover, Flux can be called the most decentralized oracle, since the holders of the Flux token will form the DAO and make key decisions in the operation of the protocol. Participants can make suggestions for adding or removing query interfaces, upgrading parts of the system, changing network settings, and providing funding. The minimum consensus for approving a proposal is 70% of all votes.Flux’s main competitors cannot boast of this degree of decentralization.
Apart from the above, Flux has the most powerful community. Their ambassador program has brought together the most talented and ambitious people who together make a huge contribution to the development of the project: they create articles, videos, infographics, manage regional communities, organize meetups, tell their friends about Flux.
In my opinion, the presence of such a community inspires confidence in the project and guarantees its success.

The next important factor that I paid attention to is the presence of strong investors and partners.
Let’s take a look: Coinbase ventures, Near, Flow ventures, and more. The list is impressive!

Also worth noting is the excellent project team with good experience.

Summing up all the facts, I come to the conclusion that Flux has a great future!


